Notes about OKRs, goals and pitfalls

At work, I’ve been asked to know our team OKRs and set some of my own. I’m new to this, and so I decide to google for information about them. OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results, and the idea is to:

  • make aspirational, easy-to-remember goals (objectives) that stretch the company, the team, and optionally, the individual, then write them down.
    • I.e. we’re trying to answer the question, “what strategic (big) things should we do next?”
  • determine key results — notice the plural — a set of actions and measurements that will indicate how close we came to meeting the big goal
    • indicated in numeric form. This is said to be the “secret sauce” that makes OKRs better than other forms of strategic goal setting. We aren’t aiming for a perfect score. In fact, a perfect score is indicative of problems.
  • share the goals and key results widely within a company and team because it helps get people aligned (unified) and makes them accountable.

OKRs are a tool meant to help us, and as with any process, we aren’t meant to become a slave of the tool. Adapt it to make it work, or find a better tool when it doesn’t work.

Setting objectives and defining key results takes time and thought. Otherwise, it may not yield value.

OKRs remind me of S.M.A.R.T. goal setting. So why do we need OKRs? Again, I googled for an answer, and it’s approximately this: With SMART goal setting, organizations and teams tend to forget to…

  • stretch — make aspirational, strategic goals
  • act and pursue their goal — accountability is important
  • align teams and individuals with the aspirational goals

Among the many helpful things I read, I found this from

Why should I split my goals into Objectives and Key Results?

…it helps to increase company-wide transparency as everyone should be able to understand the Objective. Key Results are often more technical and don’t appeal to, or aren’t understood by, everyone.

Objectives also represent key focus points for an organization or team. They should, therefore, be inspiring and easy to remember.

The same article linked to a Harvard Business School article titled “Goals Gone Wild”, which warn of the dangers of goal setting. OKRs are supposed to have safeguards against these pitfalls. Standard pitfalls of goals include:

  • focusing too narrowly or specifically — lose sight of other valuable things such as emergent opportunities and ethical behavior
  • not enough time given to achieve the goal, or a reporting period that is too long
    • yearly measuring is too long, that’s why the key results in OKRs are measured quarterly or more frequently.
  • overly challenging goals may encourage
    • lying about performance
    • cheating to attain the goal
    • taking unacceptable risks
  • creating a culture of competition rather than cooperation
  • the goals themselves killing motivation
    • I.e. a goal (a key result) for a CEO doesn’t necessarily make sense for an engineer

Ten years ago, my wife and I bought a Hyundai Sonata. Upon completing the purchase, the salesman asked us to give him a perfect score on Hyundai’s evaluation of the sales experience. He said anything besides a perfect score was unacceptable. My wife and I raised our eyebrows, knowing that he was gaming the system. I went along with it, knowing that Hyundai wasn’t getting an accurate measurement. I regret my decision, and I hope that Hyundai realized that perfect scores were indicative of problems in their measuring.



Windows: The OS you can’t rely on when you need to get important things done

It’s Christmas day, and we have my wife’s siblings and their children at our house. We’re doing a Google Hangouts call with their parents, who are on an LDS mission in Vanuatu.

Microsoft Windows asks when to schedule an update. I try to select 2 am, but whoever designed the software decided, in their wisdom, that I shouldn’t have that kind of control. Let’s see what else I can do.

It’s 1 pm, so I select 4 pm, and Windows seems to accept that choice. I go back to the Google Hangouts conversation.

And then Windows decides to update immediately, against my wishes. It’d be fine if it only took 5 minutes, but it goes on for hours. I am angry. I feel like purging Windows from our lives.

Microsoft, I hate the poor timing that you force on me. I hate not being in control of updates. This sucks. It stinks. You should do better.

So I grab our older, slower Windows computer, and power it up. Guess what? It’s completing an update as well. Inconvenient!

Fortunately, I have a Ubuntu Linux laptop that I use for work. I load Google Chrome, and thanks to WebRTC standards and Google Hangouts, I am able to get the video chat going again.

Ubuntu Linux and web standards save the day.

Windows: The OS you can’t rely on when you need to get important things done.

Linux: The OS that I can rely on when I need to get important things done.

Disclaimer: Your mileage may vary. I write software, with Linux as my desktop environment. I’m used to it, and it doesn’t do stupid things to me like Microsoft does… it just does different stupid things.

Thanks: I wish to express thanks to those individuals and organizations who gave us open standards including WebRTC, and those who gave us cross platform software, especially browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

Coming changes in Internet Protocols

Here’s what I think is a fascinating read. I’m excited about QUIC, and less excited that well-intentioned (sometimes draconian) protocol enforcement encourages software engineers to move nearly all protocols to run on top of HTTP or HTTPS — as a way to bypass the enforcement.

When a protocol can’t evolve because deployments ‘freeze’ its extensibility points, we say it has ossified. TCP itself is a severe example of ossification; so many middleboxes do so many things to TCP — whether it’s blocking packets with TCP options that aren’t recognized, or ‘optimizing’ congestion control.

It’s necessary to prevent ossification, to ensure that protocols can evolve to meet the needs of the Internet in the future; otherwise, it would be a ‘tragedy of the commons’ where the actions of some individual networks — although well-intended — would affect the health of the Internet overall.

Yubikey 4 GPG key generation (Ubuntu)

Install supporting software

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yubico/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install scdaemon -y
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-crypto python-pyscard python-pyside pyside-tools libykpers-1-1 pcscd -y
sudo apt-get install yubioath-desktop yubikey-personalization yubikey-personalization-gui yubikey-manager  -y

Insert Yubikey and Generate key

gpg --card-edit
gpg/card> admin
gpg/card> generate
gpg/card> quit

export and backup the public keys, because the Yubikey only stores the private portion of the key

gpg --armor --export $KEYID >

Require touching the Yubikey button to authenticate, sign, or encrypt:

ykman openpgp touch aut on 
ykman openpgp touch sig on 
ykman openpgp touch enc on 

Change the pin

gpg --card-edit
gpg/card> admin
gpg/card> passwd
gpg/card> quit

Change yubikey information

gpg --card-edit
gpg/card> name
gpg/card> lang
gpg/card> quit


Blind adherence to process

Blind adherence to process also drives out creative people and rewards nonproductive bean counters.

From The Responsive Enterprise: Embracing the Hacker Way

To paraphrase something else the article said: Organizational memory needs to be periodically “reset” to keep up with operating in a changing world, else it can become an impediment to growth.

Another comment about process:

Being agile is about communication. The process needs to change with the situation. — Erik Meijer

Expect-CT Extension for HTTP

I recently learned of Chrome’s intent to remove public key pinning, and replace it with the new, draft, Expect-CT HTTP header. Ultimately, it should give us a safer web.

Chris Palmer explains:

To defend against certificate misissuance, web developers should use the Expect-CT header, including its reporting function.

Expect-CT is safer than HPKP due to the flexibility it gives site operators to recover from any configuration errors, and due to the built-in support offered by a number of CAs. Site operators can generally deploy Expect-CT on a domain without needing to take any additional steps when obtaining certificates for the domain. Even if the CT log ecosystem substantially changes during the validity period of the certificate, site operators can provide updated SCTs in the form of OCSP responses (if their CA supports it) or via a TLS extension (if they wish for greater control). The combination of these mitigations substantially reduces the risk of DoS (either accidental or hostile) via Expect-CT deployment. By combining Expect-CT with active monitoring for relevant domains, which a growing number of CAs and third-parties now provide, site operators can proactively detect misissuance in a way that HPKP does not achieve, while also reducing the risk of misconfiguration and avoiding the risk of hostile pinning.

Iterating the python3 exception chain

I use the python requests library to make HTTP requests. Handling exceptions and giving the non-technical end user a friendly message can be a challenge when the original exception is wrapped up in an exception chain. For example:

import requests

url = "http://one.two.threeFourFiveSixSevenEight"
    resp = requests.get(url)
except requests.RequestException as e:
    print("Couldn't contact", url, ":", e)


Couldn’t contact http://one.two.threeFourFiveSixSevenEight : HTTPConnectionPool(host=’one.two.threeFourFiveSixSevenEight’, port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f527329c978>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known’,))

And that’s a mouthful.

I want to tell the end user that DNS isn’t working, rather than showing the ugly stringified error message. How do I do that, in python3? Are python3 exceptions iterable? No. So I searched the internet, and found inspiration from the raven project. I adapted their code in two different ways to give me the result I wanted.

Update Aug 10: See the end of this blog post for a more elegant solution.

import socket
import requests
import sys

def chained_exceptions(exc_info=None):
    Adapted from:

    Return a generator iterator over an exception's chain.

    The exceptions are yielded from outermost to innermost (i.e. last to
    first when viewing a stack trace).
    if not exc_info or exc_info is True:
        exc_info = sys.exc_info()

    if not exc_info:
        raise ValueError("No exception found")

    yield exc_info
    exc_type, exc, exc_traceback = exc_info

    while True:
        if exc.__suppress_context__:
            # Then __cause__ should be used instead.
            exc = exc.__cause__
            exc = exc.__context__
        if exc is None:
        yield type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__

def chained_exception_types(e=None):
    Return a generator iterator of exception types in the exception chain

    The exceptions are yielded from outermost to innermost (i.e. last to
    first when viewing a stack trace).

    Adapted from:
    if not e or e is True:
        e = sys.exc_info()[1]

    if not e:
        raise ValueError("No exception found")

    yield type(e)

    while True:
        if e.__suppress_context__:
            # Then __cause__ should be used instead.
            e = e.__cause__
            e = e.__context__
        if e is None:
        yield type(e)

saved_exception = None
    resp = requests.get("http://one.two.threeFourFiveSixSevenEight")
except Exception as e:
    saved_exception = e
    if socket.gaierror in chained_exception_types(e):
        print("Found socket.gaierror in exception block via e")
    if socket.gaierror in chained_exception_types():
        print("Found socket.gaierror in exception block via traceback")
    if socket.gaierror in chained_exception_types(True):
        print("Found socket.gaierror in exception block via traceback")

if saved_exception:
    print("\nIterating exception chain for a saved exception...")
    for t, ex, tb in chained_exceptions((type(saved_exception), saved_exception, saved_exception.__traceback__)):
        print("\ttype:", t, "Exception:", ex)
        if t == socket.gaierror:
            print("\t*** Found socket.gaierror:", ex)
    if socket.gaierror in chained_exception_types(saved_exception):
        print("\t*** Found socket.gaierror via chained_exception_types")

Here’s the output:

Found socket.gaierror in exception block via e
Found socket.gaierror in exception block via traceback
Found socket.gaierror in exception block via traceback

Iterating exception chain for a saved exception...
    type: <class 'requests.exceptions.ConnectionError'> Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='one.two.threeFourFiveSixSevenEight', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fae7d0bfa20>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))
    type: <class 'requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError'> Exception: HTTPConnectionPool(host='one.two.threeFourFiveSixSevenEight', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fae7d0bfa20>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))
    type: <class 'requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError'> Exception: <requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fae7d0bfa20>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
    type: <class 'socket.gaierror'> Exception: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
    *** Found socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
    *** Found socket.gaierror via chained_exception_types()

Now I can write the following code:

url = "http://one.two.threeFourFiveSixSevenEight"
    resp = requests.get(url)
except requests.RequestException as e:
    if socket.gaierror in chained_exception_types(e):
        print("Couldn't get IP address for hostname in URL", url, " -- connect device to Internet")

Very nice — just what I wanted.

Note that Python 2 does not support exception chaining, so this only works in Python 3.

Aug 10: A colleague of mine, Lance Anderson, came up with a far more elegant solution:

import requests
import socket

class IterableException(object):

        def __init__(self, ex):
                self.ex = ex

        def __iter__(self):
       = self.ex
                return self

        def __next__(self):
                        raise StopIteration

url = "http://one.two.threeFourFiveSixSevenEight"

        resp = requests.get(url)
except requests.RequestException as e:
        ie = IterableException(e)
        if socket.gaierror in [type(x) for x in ie]:
                print("Couldn't get IP address for hostname in URL", url, " -- connect device to Internet.")

LEDE awesomeness

I’ve had what I thought was a great WiFi router for the past 3 years. The vendor continues to provide firmware updates, which is admirable.

Having heard of the awesome improvements that are being made by folks in the LEDE fork of OpenWRT (in the area of eliminating bufferbloat), I thought it was time for an upgrade. So I purchased an Archer C7 version 2 router, and today, I installed LEDE. Installation was a breeze. Configuring LEDE isn’t as easy as most consumer WiFi routers, but the payoff has been good.

My downstream 2GHz WiFi cameras and networking gear seem to be staying online better, and streaming live video works better as well. I’m not sure if my family notices much of a difference, but I do. I appreciate the folks who have brought me better networking.

Standards body recommends removing periodic password change requirements

CSO Online reports that The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) draft guidelines change some long-established best-practices — practices that have been ineffective for many years.

Changes include:

  • Remove periodic password change requirements
  • Drop the algorithmic complexity song and dance
  • Require screening of new passwords against lists of commonly used or compromised passwords

Elaborating further:

The reality is that passwords are weak no matter how often they are changed or how difficult they are, and people usually have only a variant of one or two passwords. Man in the middle or man in the browser hacks can take your password even if it is extremely lengthy and complicated – IT administrators can see your passwords, your bank can see your passwords,” [Eric Avigdor] said.

He said the guidelines recognize that the way to solve the password problem is to accept that passwords are weak and add on other complementary factors of authentication, whether mobile or hardware OTP tokens as well as PKI based USB tokens or smart cards.