Python attrs library; stackoverflow documentation

Article: The One Python Library Everyone Needs: attrs

Some people are excited about eventually being able to program in Python 3 everywhere. What I’m looking forward to is being able to program in Python-with-attrs everywhere. It exerts a subtle, but positive, design influence in all the codebases I’ve see it used in.

Or, for those who want more power (an complexity) than the attrs module, there’s macropy and it’s case-classes.

Stackoverflow has introduced a new tech documentation tool that focuses on providing examples, rather then merely sparsely documenting an API. The one on Python string formatting is quite useful.

Chrome Remote Desktop

I needed to help a friend on a remote computer recently. A coworker told me about Chrome Remote Desktop, which works on any computer that has a Chrome browser, including Linux, Mac, Windows, iPhone and Android.

Chrome Remote Desktop is an easy-to-install plugin for Chrome, and is gratis (no cost). It worked quite well, and I’m happy to recommend it.

Alternatives include, which is free on weekends. Lifehacker has a list of solutions as well.