mwrc: Saturday evening Lightning Talks

Binary Lottery code — how he wrote the app.

Mhong – Event Machine. require ‘eventmachine’ module. ` { block }` takes
over your ruby, and nothing after that block will be run.

There’s EM::PeriodicTimer and single-fire timers: `EM.add_timer(2) { block }`
To use EM in your web-app, `require ‘thin’` or spin up a new thread and use
``. ` … EM.system () … { if status.exitstatus == 0
… end }`. Message queues, etc. Looks cool.

Dana Gray – regular expressions. “it’s been two days since my last regular
expression”. She went over the basics of regular expression string matches. How
to match word chars, positional anchors, capturing and non-capturing
parenthesis, grouping, character classes. Don’t fear regex, embrace regex.

Jake Cahoon from the Utah Valley Ruby Users Group. He used a slightly
monkey-patched ‘feedzirra’ module to pull tweets using Ruby code. Finshed
writing the code at 2 A.M. this morning. Now it pulls tweets and puts them into
IRC. His code is on

MerbCamp videos from last year are online. How to do Rack testing. with require
‘rackbox/spec’. He wrote three apps that echo text in three different
frameworks (sinatra, merb, rails), and showed the tests running against each.
All in five minutes.

Sockets and Ruby.
`require ‘socket’; client =”, 6789); client.write(“Hello!”);`

`server =‘’, 6789); client = server.accept; client.recv(500);`

MongoDB – a document oriented data store. Supports native Ruby objects. Has
full index support. Uses memory mapped files for speed. Has a file storage API.
Will support sharding soon. Best use cases: Most web apps, caching (memcachedb
+ indexes), when you need high scaleability. Worst case use cases:
Transactional systems, data warehouses. Why should you use it? Fast! No
migrations, ever. Replaces memcached & tokyo. Has great Ruby support, and it’s
not mySQL.

It’s easy to contribute RSpecs to Rubiniess. One presenter showed how.

Brian Marick: How to learn from the screw-ups of the past. He’s been involved
in three movements in computer programming in the past 20 years. First, it was
lisp, which was going to take over the world, but died when it failed in the
commercial world. Second was ???, and third is Ruby. He thinks “agile” is in
trouble like lisp was in trouble. Agile was founded by people who like to
program. The key thing that was missing from agile is solidarity of action. He
ran out of time to complete his thoughts.

Coby R. announced the LA Ruby Conf – April 4th, 2009

Justin Graham showed a working example of Adhearsion (the Ruby telephone
framework for Asterik).

Pat Eyler – Ruby Brigades. You should participate in your local Ruby Brigade so that you can strengthen the community. It’s a chance to grow and learn. The best way to learn is to teach others. Simply show up. It’s discouraging when someone organizes a group and no one shows up. Get on the mailing list. Don’t just subscribe. Ask questions. Answer questions. Be involved. Give a lightning talk at the meeting.

There are two types of meetings: Ones that are a launchpad, and ones that are a destination. Don’t let your meetings become a destination. Make the world a better place.