mtnwestruby: Simple Bayesian Networks

Mountain West Ruby Conference: SBN
16 March 2007

Carl Youngblood. Simple Bayesian Networks with Ruby.

How do we handle uncertainty? Probablilty theory.
How do we come up with probabilities? From experience, from beliefs — but either of these may not be accurate because of too few samples or skewed samples.

gem install sbn

The Ruby version is faster than his C++ version. Premature optimization is the root of all evil. — Donald Knuth

xmlbif – the format that the bayes network is stored to and read from. Compatible with the Java Bayes package. See

He couldn’t get his SBN demonstration program working as expected. Sounds like SBN isn’t ready for prime time. Future improvements:

  • Exact inference
  • True continuous variables
  • Etc.

Q: Why not do this in R, and connect R to Ruby?
A: Good idea.

I think it would be cool if someone showed how to connect SBN into CruiseControl.rb to identify what patterns of development and which developers are most likely to break a build.