Article: Election Fraud in Kentucky

Bruce Schneier summarizes the first documented case of election fraud using new electronic voting machines in his article [Election Fraud in Kentucky](

> Five Clay County officials, including the circuit court judge, the county clerk, and election officers were arrested Thursday after they were indicted on federal charges accusing them of using corrupt tactics to obtain political power and personal gain.

They used a low-tech social engineering trick to commit their crime.

Bypassing the I.T. security fortress

On the back of my mind for the past few years, I’ve been thinking about how I.T. security becomes less meaningful as time goes on. The use of digital cameras isn’t usually allowed, yet a company isn’t (usually) going to boot out an employee for having a cell phone with a digital camera — or even using it to take a snapshot of a diagram that will be placed on a corporate wiki. The use of USB thumb drives for transferring and storing corporate data is perceived as a risk, but often, it’s a practical way of getting one’s job done. Remember network firewalls? They’re still in place, but they’re increasingly meaningless. They certainly don’t keep out viruses and trojan horses. And with the increasing prevalence of wireless networking, there’s even less incentive for people to play by the I.T. security rules. Dan Kaminsky [expresses these thoughts better than I have](

> … every restriction, every alteration [I.T. makes] in people’s day to day business, carries with it a risk that users will abandon the corporate network entirely, going “off-grid” in search of a more open and more useful operating environment. You might scoff, and think people would get fired for this stuff, but you know what people really get fired for? Missing their numbers.

> Its never been easier to get away with going off-grid. Widespread availability of WiMax and 3G networks mean there’s an alternate, unmonitored high speed network available at every desk.

Kaminsky [goes on]( to discuss some of the ramifications of these ongoing changes, including “the Cloud” (e.g. Google docs) and the security of corporate data.

Fedora 10 lacks “wow” appeal; OpenSolaris 11

I upgraded one of my machines to Fedora 10 last month, and for me, this release lacks the “wow” appeal that other releases have had. A minor annoyance is that the keyboard repeat delay [is broken]( for me and so far, there is no fix other than disabling keyboard repeat. On the plus side, Fedora 10 includes 3 and other [new]( [features]( Be sure to check out the [Common Issues]( people have experienced with Fedora 10.

The other day, a co-worker handed me an OpenSolaris 11 Live CD. I booted it, expecting to be underwhelmed like I was with the Solaris 10 JavaDesktop. I was pleasantly surprised, however. Sun’s “Nimbus” GNOME theme knocks the socks off of the boring Fedora window manager themes. The experience felt like I was running Linux. It was responsive, supported my newer hardware, and the system was built with GNU utilities on the command line so I get my favourite options to ‘ls’, ‘grep’, etc. It supported my NVidia card out-of-the box, and had Compiz eye-candy as an option. The only thing I missed (in my superficial test) was the familiar ‘yum’ and ‘rpm’ for package management. I suspect that if I used it from day to day, I’d find other things I miss. Does OpenSolaris support encrypted file systems? Does it have as much optional software as I can get with Fedora Extras?

I’ll keep my eye on [OpenSolaris]( a little more closely in the future.

Web App Security Statistics

Perhaps this is a bit old, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it, and I thought it was interesting enough to share.


* more than 7% of analyzed sites can be compromised automatically
* Detailed manual and automated assessment using white and black box methods shows that probability to detect high severity vulnerability reaches 96.85%.
* The most prevalent vulnerabilities are Cross-Site Scripting, Information Leakage, SQL Injection and Predictable Resource Location

REST versus RPC

Have you considered the merits and applicability of RESTful web apps? Here are a few notes I’ve made.

There was quite a [discussion about RPC, REST, and message queuing]( — they are not the same thing. Each one is needed in a different scenario. All are used in building distributed systems.

Wikipedia’s [explanation of REST]( is quite informative, especially their [examples]( of RPC versus REST.

The poster “soabloke” says RPC “Promotes tightly coupled systems which are difficult to
scale and maintain. Other abstractions have been more successful in building
distributed systems. One such abstraction is message queueing where systems
communicate with each other by passing messages through a distributed queue.
REST is another completely different abstraction based around the concept of a
‘Resource’. Message queuing can be used to simulate RPC-type calls
(request/reply) and REST might commonly use a request/reply protocol (HTTP) but
they are fundamentally different from RPC as most people conceive it. ”

The [REST FAQ]( says, “Most applications that self-identify as using “RPC” do not conform to the REST. In particular,
most use a single URL to represent the end-point (dispatch point) instead of using a multitude of
URLs representing every interesting data object. Then they hide their data objects behind method
calls and parameters, making them unavailable to applications built of the Web. REST-based
services give addresses to every useful data object and use the resources themselves as the
targets for method calls (typically using HTTP methods)… REST is incompatible with
‘end-point’ RPC. Either you address data objects (REST) or you don’t.”

RPC: Remote Procedure Call assumes that people agree on what kinds of procedures they would like
to do. RPC is about algorithms, code, etc. that operate on data, rather than about the data
itself. Usually fast. Usually binary encoded. Okay for software designed and consumed by a
single vendor.

REST: All data is addressed using URLs, and is encoded using a standard MIME type. Data that is
made up of other data would simply have URLs pointing to the other data. Assumes that people
won’t agree on what they want to do with data, so they let people get the data, and act on it
independently, without agreeing on procedures.


I just discovered and installed the _xguest_ package for Fedora 8 and 9. Here’s what it does:

> Installing this package sets up the xguest user to be used as a temporary account to switch to or as a kiosk user account. The account is disabled unless SELinux is in enforcing mode. The user is only allowed to log in via gdm [or the fast-user-swiching applet]. The home and temporary directories of the user will be polyinstantiated and mounted on tmpfs.

Here’s how to install it:

yum install xguest

I hit a brick wall when I first tried it. I thought my machine was in SELinux Enforcing mode, when it wasn’t — it was in Permissive mode. I fixed it using system-config-selinux.

It’s possible to change what the xguest user can do using system-config-selinux. I’ve attached a screenshot showing what capabilities can be granted or revoked.

SELinux Administration for xguest user

Open Source Security report from Coverity

[Coverity]( has published it’s [Open Source Scan Report 2008](, which details the security status of several open source projects. Here’s my summary:

* The overall security of open source projects is improving.
* There’s a linear relationship between the amount of code and the amount of bugs.
* Surprisingly, there’s no relation between function length and defect density.

Projects with exceptionally low defect density include Amanda, NTP, OpenPAM, OpenVPN, Perl, PHP, Python, TCL, Postfix, Samba, curl, libvorbis and vim.

The top two security defects are

1. NULL pointer dereference
2. Resource leak

I got to preview [Coverity Prevent]( at a previous job, and it rocks at finding real bugs in code, with a very low rate of false positives.

Security vs Privacy is false dichotomy

Jon Stokes, Senior Editor, Ars Technica [reported]( on the following:

> “We have a saying in this business: ‘Privacy and security are a zero-sum game.’ ” Thus spake security consultant Ed Giorgio in a widely quoted New Yorker article on the U.S. intelligence community’s plans to vacuum up and sift through everything that flies across the wires.

Security expert Bruce Schiner wrote a [Wired article]( addressing the false dichotomy between security and privacy:

> I’m sure they have that saying in their business. And it’s precisely why, when people in their business are in charge of government, it becomes a police state.

> The debate isn’t security versus privacy. It’s liberty versus control.

> “Privacy no longer can mean anonymity,” says Donald Kerr, principal deputy director of national intelligence. “Instead, it should mean that government and businesses properly safeguard people’s private communications and financial information.” Did you catch that? You’re expected to *give up control of your privacy to others, who — presumably — get to decide how much of it you deserve*. That’s what *loss of liberty* looks like.

Returning to John Stokes, who [said](

> The story of Fidencio Estrada, a drug runner who bribed Florida Customs agent Rafael Pacheco to access multiple federal law-enforcement databases on his behalf, suggests that when it comes to the government collecting data on innocent civilians for law-enforcement purposes, privacy and security are essentially the same thing.

Disk Encryption: Not as secure as I thought

Apparently, it’s easier than I thought to recover disk encryption keys from a stolen laptop computer. The attack works against “several popular disk encryption systems: BitLocker (a feature of Windows Vista), FileVault (a feature of Mac OS X), dm-crypt (a feature of Linux), and TrueCrypt”. Watch the demonstration video at [](

> The root of the problem lies in an unexpected property of today’s DRAM memories. DRAMs are the main memory chips used to store data while the system is running. Virtually everybody, including experts, will tell you that DRAM contents are lost when you turn off the power. But this isn’t so. Our research shows that data in DRAM actually fades out gradually over a period of seconds to minutes, enabling an attacker to read the full contents of memory by cutting power and then rebooting into a malicious operating system.

Encrypting a disk drive _does_ increase the confidentiality of data. It’s just not as secure as once thought.

Sidenote: Software and hardware based [key loggers]( can reduce the security of encryption as well.