Best technologies and productivity

I tend to wonder about the “best” technologies for a given problem. Recently, I’ve wondered why Wicket is reportedly better than Java Server Faces (though I’m using neither). Perhaps it’s human nature to look for the Next Big Thing or for silver bullet solutions that supposedly increase productivity while offering robust features.

Here’s a [blog post]( that ponders whether a new framework or a programming language can really offer better productivity benefits over an ocean full of alternatives. The author asserts that the real time cost on a project is not in writing code, but in the following activities:

– Communication
– Understanding preexisting code
– Debugging
– Refactoring

Tools or languages that make any of those activities easier are to be coveted. Java refactoring tools outshine those available for Grails. Java is easier to read and comprehend than terse bash scripting. Some frameworks/platforms make debugging easier than others.