Webgallery Extra
Webgallery Extra 1.2.1: Based on WebGallery 1.2.1, with enhancements.
- August 2005: Some time ago, I added support to my private copy of web gallery that would generate a five-frame animated gif thumbnail for each of my digital camera movie files. This recently broke, so I've re-implemented it using mplayer as follows:
- mplayer -nosound <movie_file> -vo pnm -vf framestep=44,scale=180:120
- convert -delay 100 -loop 10 *.ppm mygif.gif
- /bin/rm *.ppm
- November 2002: Most of my changes have been incorporated into the original web-gallery -- except for the larger size thumbnails, and deletion of the index.bak files.
Has the following extra features over standard Webgallery 1.2.1:
- Supports image comments, and places them below thumbnails.
- Uses larger thumbnails -- about twice the size.
- Supports MPEG movie files.
- Places image info (size and comments) on the full-size image webpages.
- Doesn't leave index.html.OLD files laying around -- less clutter.
- Web page navigation works when pages are loaded from a local filesystem (or CD) as well as from a web server. The "Up to ..." links point directly to "../index.html" instead of to "../".
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