mwrc: Paul Sadauskas: Writing Adapters for DataMapper

Paul Sadauskas: Writing Adapters for DataMapper

What is DataMapper?

– A lightweight, modular Ruby ORM with
– lazy loading
– strategic eager loading
– plugins (types, migrations, validations, timestamps, sweatshop, is-list, is-searchable, is-versioned, etc.)
– adaptors (heap, YAML files, REST-ful web services, CouchDB, Sphinx, Netflix, etc.)
– and it’s better than ActiveRecord

The goal of the adapter API is to make it as easy as possible to write one. He
then showed how to do it. How do I know my adaptor works? Run the tests that
are provided.

Q: What about supporting “join”? That’s a good question. Currently, not all
adaptors support it.